Monday, March 18, 2013

1st Sleeping Pill


I told you to shut up.  Go to Hell, nigger.  **** yourself.  You're just as nigger.  Go hurt other kids.  You're stupid.  You're shit.  I don't trust you.

New Photos

Me Through the Years




Beef, Asparagus's, Liverwurst, Chocolate Raspberry Valentine's Candy

Have to floss and pack, waking up though for leaving @ 6:30, so.. or 6:20.  Got to take my sleeping pills and go to bed, maybe just 1 steada 2.  2 is also used to cure jetlag!

ex er cise


How's everyone?


Guess I'll fix something for my dinner, maybe beef and veggies..  :.

My Acting HW

So, it doesn't look as good, like my body shape.  What should I do?  I'm hungwy, really.


Since I'm up, what do you think about everyone in Ginny's class not being healthy because my mom decided not to feed my dad and brother the right way.  I hate to burst your bubble, but it was for being mean to me.  She didn't feed me heartily, but I found out it was my dad's fault.  Guess he wouldn't let me be young and European.  I still don't get it.  My dad wanted my mom to cook for him and him not influence her.  Like, he ate the wrong way.  She said he stayed home for my brother and when I was little to see me I guess..  I always encourage him to have good times with others, I guess.  You know, you all have like attractive, very white siblings, but my brother isn't like me, wants to be racist and shitty, just depends on his race, makes me feel bad about what might have happened to me.  I don't worry about it, especially.  I refuse to say I'm on some tacky 1950 generation that is slick and doesn't feel *** like Late Boom.  That might be why my emotions are not complex, had no choice.  I see you're all pretty complex.  At least, I'm considered attractive or was.  Something wrong with what I ate when I stopped eating with my family, but I know that going out will help.  You know, I have this problem, though, I was getting my haircut and my dad's been mean so now I'm sorta upset he made me make my torso tight.  I just keep getting bs about younger dads.  He's born July 25, 1950..  I think I'm like gonna ***!  xp


I don't like people like Johnny Depp, wanting to shit about my dad being from Pennsylvania because it doesn't mean I'll like anywhere else~

What I'm Doing

My nails, practicing.. gotta pack, probably will do the Voice for the Actor homework.  :|  Then the PE homework or maybe wait.  Packing won't take long this time..  I need to work out even more, though.  *cold wind blows*


Ashley BP lol your so cute christina
8 minutes ago · Like
Ashley BP i love you everything is fine
8 minutes ago · Like

Facebook Post

Yea, maybe, we can visit, when my life is, like, straight. My dad could give me a plane ride for a vacation, and maybe somehow I could afford to stay at a hotel, I mean. :)

Facebook Post

to my Little Girl Cousin
something about what to do 1st with so many good ideas, posted 2 someone

By not bothering other people. Obviously, people like you.


Voice for the Actor

In this class, I was only here a little while.  I just marvel at the magnificence of the students memorizing their lines and becoming interested to impress you.  I think they need to be healthier.

Acting I

I think we saw the last of the skits?  I thought the skits were pretty good.  The students are not well-kept.  I mean, they put a lot into impressing people about going crazy and being nice with their white heritage, but I don't like how they push it on you that you're not okay racially because it's a rule because 1 day it won't be and they only do that to people who aren't Caucasian who think they're attractive enough to touch you as a white person.  When we did ours, I mean, it was the 1st time in my life I forgot something, in this fashion.  It kinda is the 1st time like in a somewhat official way, you know?  I mean, I rehearsed over the break, so I don't know why I'd forget.  I only did it maybe 3 times, though, and recorded and watched it, I mean.  I'm not sure why I'd forget.  I just don't feel like it, physically.  I know my brother makes decisions like that.  Like, I really am tired.  You think, well, maybe more practice.  You can't kill yourself over homework.  I learned this routine, the hard way, and am from the very South, in a way.  I don't like thinking about me forgetting.  I mean, we don't rehearse it under much stress much like plays, but I believe that the non-musicals are very hard.  I grew up on musicals but not on purpose.  If I had a choice, I mean maybe I would do Musical Theater or alternate.  I mean, there just wasn't like the knowledge of these things, and my mom didn't like ask me what all do you want to do?  Like, we have money, you can do something.  I also grew up knowing that you can do like other things young, as well, like maybe not be in theater until you're like 5 or 7, but then you think maybe at school you do that.  All I can say is I wanted to do gymnastics, ballet, and singing and music, and I also did art well.  Art was said to be a great asset to theater.  I guess I would drop these things and do theater later.  That's what I did when I couldn't find a good ballet, guessing ballet was more fun.  So, I did get in theater at 14.  I was never in a long play.  I was able to take theater 1 year of high school, which seemed significant, ¼ of my time there, starting out in drama club.  See, I didn't know I had to audition, or else I would have been in it, but I would miss art maybe + the Talented Music program, which I elected to get in for piano and then wasn't invited to sing after a girl rejoined the class.  Anyway, I was able to be in choir, got a lot out of it, + I sang at home.  I entered voice in college and it was my 1st time doing opera, like being exposed and doing classical songs.  I have a small repertoire, strangely.  It wasn't hard, at all, since I was in choir since I was 7.  I do not wish to ever be in a long play, the way I never wish to sit there and play a classical piano piece for 45 minutes.  I don't think that as gone through ballet in some fashion that I'd even want to train that way anymore.  I just worried about not being a normal person.


I find this class very dorky and rather unworthy, and they need to hear the b***s***.  They need to realize this is a community college that doesn't give a f*** in Orlando.  I don't like how you sometimes act snobby about who goes, just to prove a point.  It's like you have to give in to bad people because you're really not cool, just a nice person.

Um, I'm okay at improvising.  I guess I just need to watch myself more at home, but I mean I don't act.  I just act for school and like am into movies and Hollywood and mainly the non-theatrical arts but am an arts person.

I'm just kinda getting exercise or experience.  I probably need to like look better and people will like me more.

week before

Voice for the Actor

In the 2nd class this week, I guess I am finding the practicing is really helping.  In real life, my voice is getting much better.  It's a lot of fun.  I hope I am achieving, as I know I care as much as anyone else about my voice..

Acting I

This class is going nice.  I like seeing the people remember their acting.  It seems they put a lot into presenting themselves but whine about their private lives.  All I can say is I mean I would eat more but also change how I act.  Exercise is also necessary to keep you going physically and it makes you interesting, as well.


This class is rather a learning experience that is nice.  I find myself learning more about myself, using the community college experience sorta as a pre-school experience.  I mean, I find that, like, I learn to get along, I find myself.  Then, I'm an interesting artistic person and actor.  I don't think that's what others are interested in.  I think they're lazy and racist, and I think encountering the truth they encounter racism.  In that way, I don't like this class.  I feel I am a good student, and everyone else is mean.  No one helps me figure out this problem.  I feel fine about what I think.  I didn't mean like that in every way.  I mean, like, the class just seems so hard to like focus on what acting is in the world and to me.  They just sorta take your idea and make it their own.  Like, I'm left out and have been my whole life being sorta artistic and like spiritual like I'm old-fashioned and like more European than American or something and all of a sudden I have all these bratty kids saying everything I've known is just something everyone does and I'm not different but no one will recognize me for liking this for some stupid reason.  You must know what I'm saying.  I feel that this generation is cr**** and if you hope for the kids you really like to be something you cannot do this to them just to say I am s*** and provided for to believe in something, just something for someone, something that's not for a kid, really, or else it would feel that way and be made up that way and it wouldn't be true and wouldn't "be" a problem!  See, you think the generation that believes in things like it's hard to be an odd 1 out who likes to be more old-fashioned, which don't pretend you don't remember what it means because it's too much to go into in this assignment etc., now I forget, too, that it's for a generation basically that's like too old to be your kid and that they shouldn't do it and you're basically using this generation as a buffer against us, separating us, like a machine.  I know you will introduce your kids to the joys of my generation.  I just want to say that I am not prejudiced to older people being like younger generations and that I believe my dad is attractive but not ***ual.  As for more notes on the class, I mean, I guess I am just thinking of how they are not focusing on acting and more on me not feeling good.  I keep wanting to enjoy the community college experience, as it should be, but like it's hard to get the assignment and then we do it and they just kinda sit their and like twiddle their toe about paying attention.  As for the improvising, I think I need to learn more how to be comfortable around them and maybe try it more on camera.


I see you're all gonna get mad and associate memories for me.  I've never heard of this kind of tone of bullshit.  I believe Tim Burton is bullshit.

A guy who's not even what in is tomb said < "Pres-i-dent O ba ma" in a squeaky voice, no one gives a Goddamn!


Ah, my glasses!  I'm gonna do my journals.  I'm doing my nails.


My dad just trimmed my hair an inch, saw I was fat and needed a workout regiment and salads and water|liquids..  :/  So, I don't know what to wear tomorrow and may need to wash underwear-

Blackss's Dream

They want it to be that a black person can't succeed like a white person.


I am at Ginny's class because it is too hard to make my life better and I've already been wronged and I dunno like too often and more than once.  It had been a semester since I knew.

Time 2 Eat

Going Out-  B]

Oh, gotsa reserve my rides fer the week now.


I guess I may take Opera & Music Theatre Workshop later.. interested in Ginny's Speech and Voice and Articulation classes at the other CC.  Seems they don't offer the Voice Performance class any longer unless it's just the Spring.

[and] Another Thing

"Pilates/Body Condtning Fitness" is overlapping Ginny's schedule Thursday evenings.

Another Problem

A class above it, called, Honors Speech, is cancelled.  Ginny teaches at the other college, and I can get in honors there-  }:)


Sel Topics in Speech is full.  What if Ginny is teaching it?  That's why it's full, isn't it?  Why do you know about this?  You shouldn't, you're nobody, in any way, shape, nor form.  :|  You already said what you said.


Lots of Fundamentals of Speech sections and randomly were cancelled.  That's rather insulting.  I don't know what you're looking for.  *** and go to Hell.  You're a nigger.  }8D  Ha ha ha ) ) )

Something Funny

A tech class or somesuch got cancelled I think just now yes and I noticed another tech class between her classes already have the teachers listed.

Oh Well

Apparently, she may be taking a break between classes.  Not sure what I will be doing.  :(  Maybe, I'll post on my blog.


I don't care about Ginny that much.  She seems to do things in order to like make them seem stimulating, when you find a problem later.

Know What. 3I

You know what Ginny did?  She met me in the hall to send me to the counselor and wrote me a note for it and came to class.  Um, no, I do not know of your opinion on writing.  (Do not do it)Do not do it in school.


I am Floridian, and Ginny is like killing Orlando because her dad is from Pennsylvania.


I found that Ginny is teaching Acting 1 twice in a row over the summer + in the fall also doubled up and is teaching Dialects early and later, with Stage Movement in between.  Do you know why?  =}  You know, it's not my fault but has to do with me.  :|  That's not really okay, you know??  On all sides of the issue.  =}  Well, maybe it was her flipping it in French, to hurt me, you know.  Also, Chloë Grace Moretz, Retweeted 2 things.  Hm, I just figured why I was excited to say that and supposedly that's another allusion to my wanting to be talented in many things.


You prevented me from being attractive to your kids and living my childhood.

What I Know

Tell me now!  ;0'  Do you know more about race than fate?

What I Want

I want Ginny to pick me up, not go cross-eyed like that fool Kate Bush.  Also, the clicks in my room were fueled by her, and she's like Renée Fleming.  I know I shouldn't have said it, but I'm literally "getting 'it' out."  8'|

So, you think picking me up would make me feel less cross-eyed?  =}  Do tell.

OK, I have a problem-

I don't give a damn about Kate Bush's fancies.

I think Ginny will do it to drop the other shoe, as in to make it big, rather than to just take 1 bit of pain and move on.

What do you think...

About Kate Bush being part Irish?  I thought part Irish people "didn't do it."  Why is she so perverted with her mom?  That was because her dad was English, maybe?  I don't want to be Kate Bush.  :|  I want to experience the best feelings.  8|  There is a reason she is bad.  I think it was that she was worse than us.  Why don't we hurt those sarcastic, white blonde, Italian kids in Orlando?  }:]  You know, I can say whatever I want on my blog.  I didn't say anything to you.  You're not my world, really.  I like people who respect me, who appreciate me.  I'm not a nigger.  You must have fun being a nigger.  Ha, ha, ha.  You know, Italians don't like people who are .. "too nice."  The Germans are always acting mimicy to part Asians who think they are white.  That's your sin.  You have to stop that, and I'll seem nice.  I don't need people telling me what's wrong with me.  Oh, and the reason I am in Ginny's class is because the semester at home was crap.  I know that's so.  I am already ready in every other way to go to Ginny's class.  I also want to go, and that's okay.  If you ruin my life, I will plow through.  You made me curse on my blog last semester.  Something else would happen to me, it always has.  I cannot rest at home with my dad alternating like a maniac, even when I stayed in my room.  If you don't care, then go away.  I'm not here to drop it on your show.  If you want me to watch you, then stop acting like you can't take it.  You're not gonna talk to me.  You don't do anything with anyone in public that is true.  You should just stop listening to my dad.  It will work, like pooing.  See, I just touched every point.  I can't like figure out the sequence of events, like making a necklace.  I didn't make no necklaces.  Look, I just accomplished something.  There is a reason for every hardship, a bounce back off every suffering.  Just don't think of something like being a giant tub of lard.  Sometimes, you've seen drawrings.  :|

Something Suddenly Came Up-

What is it with people from FL & Ca. born in the Boom being less beachy than 1s born in the 80s?  What about the kids born here, today?

So, I didn't see the sorta morality in saying it's precious to have my "broken" but not torn in 2 leg ... What else ... Ah, yes, your body is important, things like that breaking.  I just want to know why.  I thought, at 1st, well, better start slowly because that's what life is about.  I mean, Ginny is a nice voice instructor and also does other things.  She does have a mistaken belief in her life that speaking is the only thing.  She just thinks about that feeling.  There must be a reason I broke my leg, though.  I got up and told you because I know you'd want to know.  I was lying on my couch, and it felt like it would fall off.  Luckily, though, my back felt very bony, like a dinosaur, and that's how my leg felt.  I left my dumbbells, out, too.  The bad part is that I was there and the man working there did something wrong, figured someone told him though and just forgot, and he looked at me and sorta made me fall then, watching Mary Poppins, guessing that's why.  I don't know how it helped.  It was fun using a crutch, but now I pull more.  I wouldn't do that.  What made it hurt was walking with my mom and her making me hit it.  People think my dad is crap being too old, but that's not true, they think older men aren't crap, they think the 1950's aren't friendly enough.  It's hard to talk about, so I don't know if you realize what I mean.  Some things must be hard to talk about.  That's kinda funny.  I guess the goal is to find out.  All I can say is I didn't do anything wrong.  I waited a semester, and I was tortured at home, maybe shoulda stayed but wanted to go last semester, also stayed maybe to get to know Ginny online, though.  Also, I felt a bit funny and tired, for some reason, just got off medication, as well.  That must be why.  }8]  Why is that stupid?  Can you just shut up you nigger Generation Z daughter of the age of Ginny, Late Boom?  Why should Late Boom and Generation Z constantly be doing this, you know?  Why do I have to tell you!  So, you're trying to tell me that there's more to life than solving my broken leg?  I'm afraid you're very wrong here in Florida.  :|

nu text box 8I


There's this sad, slow song on trumpet for the military @ death called taps.

Did you find out-

If I'm European, maybe you are too-  I think I've heard of that feeling a long time ago very much.  :]


Do you want to use things on me that you use to say I'm not white to make excuses for white people, like things in their life they don't really want?  8I


You think Ginny is white and has excuses and look for stupid things in the water to say no one likes me?  I don't really believe you.

Rule of Thumb

If you have good morals, you are free to say anything.


nu profile pic

"I Know What You Did Last Summer"-

What was I gona say?  Oh, yes, I can agree that the moral of thinking of a swan is that it isn't a duck-  You just wanted to hurt people in Miami, er, from there.  Like, as a kid.  }8}

Agree to Kid

Did you ever get Ellen DeGeneres was kidding and agree?

What I Do

I really do believe white hair is the same correlation as a white duck compared to a green duck maybe with the spots..  }=]

What Color

A white duck is a goose, a goose that ducks.  =>


You think Early Boom will treat Late Boom like they're better than ther kids.  "Ther" sounds like a combo of Western, English, and minority English.

Get her off her morals.

When Ginny admits something she can't say it ain't so when it's so and the issue..  *sips nice tea with nice spicy food*  3]


Earlier today, O tioo NiQuil + Sinex NiQuil.

If you're flawed

That's your problem and I'm owed a lot.  What else did I just think?

Um, also, if you're not nice, you can't be with others, that's final.  I'm nicer than you in the way of my mom than my dad.  What's the jig?


You care more about kids of bad parents having a reason for living because of their parents being mean to everyone about their kids?  You're gay and no one likes you.  Stop telling me what you want to think I'm doing in some way.  I didn't do it.  3|

If you believe

some people can be better than their parents, then so be it.  3|


is my dad such a pain.  It was because of the world, nothing to live for, but he got off and sprayed it..


making a hamburger


Don't think all Pennsylvanians are withdrawn niggers like my dad.  I mean, you talk to people from Pennsylvania, in some way.


I am attractive, I am good, I can do whatever I want.


Stop pretending I'm 5 years old.


My parents are niggers.  My mom left something out, turned the music up.. and something else

Left out something for a long time - LOOK SHUT UP YOU *BEEP* NIGGER I NEVER DID ANYTHING TO YOU


Ginny does things head on.  8^|

Something Funny

Do you just find Ginny tacky?

Eureka! I have found it! 8^]

Ginny can't say your mom is too young, your dad is too old, there's only 1.

Thought of Something

Ellen DeGeneres is wasting time trying to pretend to hurt Lily Rose.  Like, I'll say something, and she'll like me, but then she'll like realize that she's trying to hurt her for good.  Why do these adults just want us to be ready for what we're ready for for I'm ready and I know it.  Also, I didn't do anything perverted, wrong to someone, so, watcha talkin' 'bout?  8|


Maybe she's trying to fuck Ginny up because they moved to Rochester when they got it, and Ginny's dad is from Pittsburgh.  :|  So..  Watcha want?


If Ellen DeGeneres "wants" people to be black, then she should be black, not anyone else.  We can do whatever we want-


So, I thought of Ginny's last name and what it means but was wondering why people keep questioning my success, like maybe if I would have been more extraverted I wouldn't have accomplished as much-  8|

Did you ever think of

Ginny's name sounding like Gin?  My aunt gave my cousin a dog named GiGi when she was about 7.  It's that little white dog, a Maltese.  They went all into it, of course, the way I go all into things.  What other ways do you go into things?  3I


What if we took kids born in 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994, whatever, 1990, 1989, and gave them to Ginny .. for, they want what they want.

Cool Stimulation B]

Ellen DeGeneres doesn't believe in stimulation yet doesn't believe in being cool.

Can anyone explain to me

Why Tim Burton believes in European brown eyes in this day and age?


You think that we had to have ugly ancestors, at 1 point, with these specific Jewish-German features?  That doesn't make the Chinese today not white.  8/

Shopping Round

Look at the diagram.

Wow, you can tell when you see a real artist.  What do you think?  Would make for a good movie..  :|

Scroll down. - Link

x0 (old lady - *pirate dies* sound like falling in water|ocean)

White Superiority Complex

Why can't I like decide between black and grey?  They come with another color, light gray|almost white or gold with black.

I just found out.

I'm not as Asian as Asians.  I saw this 2-piece dress-outfit, and I wanted the 1 with peach on black and not turquoise on black-  :|

Clothes I Like

It seems more like minority countries.

Hey, guess what I found?

I found a tight shirt with a lose jumper over it.  Maybe, in NYC, I'd wear a plaid dress.  Ginny wouldn't.


It also keeps displaying sports. team. shirts..


I am not finding Czech clothes.  x|

Got Back Up

So, I just realized some way I can't stimulate myself.  It made me feel like I was someone else's parent.

What else.. I forget, now.  Wanted.  Oh yes, I've been going around stomping my foot and stuff, at least 3 times this week.

New Videos of Me

Eating on Saturday Night


Woke Up

I think I had a dream, something about Ginny, I don't remember.. I think I was imagining her putting her arm around me and my mom saw in the mist.  Then, I thought that Ellen DeGeneres was there, with other sorta Hellenistic people, and instead of Ginny, she was picking me up.  I kinda imagined it a lot, but it didn't seem like it was real, so much.  Like a few times, she'd pick me up.  Like, I was feeling bad, and other people were there.  It was just the situation with the people.  It was like her being my mom, a nice dream to dream of.  It's funny, I was lying on my couch with the 3-spotlight lamp on, 1 of the lights, and a ponytail.  I think it was like I imagined she might be in the classroom later where I'd sit on her lap, like going to the past, like the Titanic.  It is most creepy that the dream seemed forumlated from a variety of signs.  The signs didn't mean anything at all to me put together.  I mean, maybe, you'd expect I might dream of something like it.  Too bad I don't remember the situation.  I guess the lady seemed like a ghost.

Czech Site

So, there's a bra with light, bright blue ruffles.

How I'm Feeling

I'm tired, maybe should lie down, not turn on any music, maybe since it's all so annoying.

What I Think

I don't think each state is shit, and I think Pennsylvania has nice, big farms, that is all, seems very European spirited but a bit racist.  So, I never imposed Pennsylvania's dorkiness on anyone, just my insults of it.


So, I didn't shave my face, and I have some crusty blackheads on my nose, may try to use a pore strip when I'm feeling better.  It should work since I haven't used 1 in a long time.  Maybe after my next shower.  Also, I want my dad to trim my hair when I'm awake when he's awake and I take a shower.  I think my bangs need to be trimmed.  I was gonna cut it, but I liked how it looked highlighted like a blonde.


I feel like pooing so may wait, not sure, just washed my face and put cream on my pimples, need new Kleenex and soap from the house..

I just had 2 Buffalo chicken subs, but the chicken was frozen.  I was having frozen tender-nuggets my dad gets.  I also had blue cheese and put more buffalo sauce on the 2nd sandwich.  I had a little cake and ice cream, my 1st white cake I remember with 2 cans of frosting and Breyer's vanilla ice cream, which I know tastes good.  xp  Means I grew up on Blue Bell, not sure before maybe the Publix brand or something.  Publix is supposedly the big Florida grocery store, and in most places it says "Where Shopping is a Pleasure" all along the side of the building, which is huge there.  Orlando sucks and is gay.


I'm looking @ Czech dresses.

Another Complication-

I am not gonna hold out because I know other people will show me off.  I know that you're just kidding!  ';0


So, it's nice to find a dress that's just the right shape, has a nice, tight-looking waist, and a sort of flare but not too loose-goose.


I will get a juniors dress if they have 34" waist, which sometimes might be 32", and tie a sash or those long things they sell like at the mall around it.  Then, I will need leggings and thigh socks.


I just got an idea, was browsing dresses, which had some £|₤ symbols, and I noticed the toddler dresses looked like old people in old New Orleans.. kinda big and puffy.  I mean, they must have gotten thin thorough r***.  No more Mister Nice Guy.  '8|



I'm picking out a dress, and it seems to say it'd be an insult to Ginny because it'd say I'm better than other people.  So, I looked for dresses with bows for kids.


I still haven't picked out a lunchbox.  Maybe, I should order 1 online.  I also want to find new clothes, don't know what I want to wear to school..

How I'm Doing

I didn't shower awhile .. have been washing my face more, showered last night.  I have a pimple on my nose and a greasy nose, cleaned my ears but feel like stuffed.

Supper! 8p

So, more buffalo chicken subs with bleu cheese?  =x  Or how abouts a burger?  :/  No hot dog..  :/  It's chicken..  I forgot to ask for baby carrots, maybe asparagus after the sammich.  I also have cake and ice cream.

Oh, yesterday, when I left the gymnastics gym, the kids, who were guiltily eating pizza, I went in and was like I ate pizza don't worry about eating other stuff, I walked by and they seemed to be tearing the lady teacher up, who was gonna let me in.  I can take class there Tuesday after class.  So, I ate pizza and had a huge milkshake as I walked along something like a highway, which reminds me of biking with a friend and her mom in the nation's oldest contuing city, Saint Augustine, under a major city in NE FL, on a new road just that 1 time, like maybe 2 days or even a day after being finished, and I couldn't finish this shake.  It was like almost as big as a table lamp stand.  I walked the wrong way so was walking awhile.  Interesting, yes?  Had to document it.  I was mostly thinking about the kids with the pizza.