Monday, March 18, 2013


Voice for the Actor

In this class, I was only here a little while.  I just marvel at the magnificence of the students memorizing their lines and becoming interested to impress you.  I think they need to be healthier.

Acting I

I think we saw the last of the skits?  I thought the skits were pretty good.  The students are not well-kept.  I mean, they put a lot into impressing people about going crazy and being nice with their white heritage, but I don't like how they push it on you that you're not okay racially because it's a rule because 1 day it won't be and they only do that to people who aren't Caucasian who think they're attractive enough to touch you as a white person.  When we did ours, I mean, it was the 1st time in my life I forgot something, in this fashion.  It kinda is the 1st time like in a somewhat official way, you know?  I mean, I rehearsed over the break, so I don't know why I'd forget.  I only did it maybe 3 times, though, and recorded and watched it, I mean.  I'm not sure why I'd forget.  I just don't feel like it, physically.  I know my brother makes decisions like that.  Like, I really am tired.  You think, well, maybe more practice.  You can't kill yourself over homework.  I learned this routine, the hard way, and am from the very South, in a way.  I don't like thinking about me forgetting.  I mean, we don't rehearse it under much stress much like plays, but I believe that the non-musicals are very hard.  I grew up on musicals but not on purpose.  If I had a choice, I mean maybe I would do Musical Theater or alternate.  I mean, there just wasn't like the knowledge of these things, and my mom didn't like ask me what all do you want to do?  Like, we have money, you can do something.  I also grew up knowing that you can do like other things young, as well, like maybe not be in theater until you're like 5 or 7, but then you think maybe at school you do that.  All I can say is I wanted to do gymnastics, ballet, and singing and music, and I also did art well.  Art was said to be a great asset to theater.  I guess I would drop these things and do theater later.  That's what I did when I couldn't find a good ballet, guessing ballet was more fun.  So, I did get in theater at 14.  I was never in a long play.  I was able to take theater 1 year of high school, which seemed significant, ¼ of my time there, starting out in drama club.  See, I didn't know I had to audition, or else I would have been in it, but I would miss art maybe + the Talented Music program, which I elected to get in for piano and then wasn't invited to sing after a girl rejoined the class.  Anyway, I was able to be in choir, got a lot out of it, + I sang at home.  I entered voice in college and it was my 1st time doing opera, like being exposed and doing classical songs.  I have a small repertoire, strangely.  It wasn't hard, at all, since I was in choir since I was 7.  I do not wish to ever be in a long play, the way I never wish to sit there and play a classical piano piece for 45 minutes.  I don't think that as gone through ballet in some fashion that I'd even want to train that way anymore.  I just worried about not being a normal person.


I find this class very dorky and rather unworthy, and they need to hear the b***s***.  They need to realize this is a community college that doesn't give a f*** in Orlando.  I don't like how you sometimes act snobby about who goes, just to prove a point.  It's like you have to give in to bad people because you're really not cool, just a nice person.

Um, I'm okay at improvising.  I guess I just need to watch myself more at home, but I mean I don't act.  I just act for school and like am into movies and Hollywood and mainly the non-theatrical arts but am an arts person.

I'm just kinda getting exercise or experience.  I probably need to like look better and people will like me more.

week before

Voice for the Actor

In the 2nd class this week, I guess I am finding the practicing is really helping.  In real life, my voice is getting much better.  It's a lot of fun.  I hope I am achieving, as I know I care as much as anyone else about my voice..

Acting I

This class is going nice.  I like seeing the people remember their acting.  It seems they put a lot into presenting themselves but whine about their private lives.  All I can say is I mean I would eat more but also change how I act.  Exercise is also necessary to keep you going physically and it makes you interesting, as well.


This class is rather a learning experience that is nice.  I find myself learning more about myself, using the community college experience sorta as a pre-school experience.  I mean, I find that, like, I learn to get along, I find myself.  Then, I'm an interesting artistic person and actor.  I don't think that's what others are interested in.  I think they're lazy and racist, and I think encountering the truth they encounter racism.  In that way, I don't like this class.  I feel I am a good student, and everyone else is mean.  No one helps me figure out this problem.  I feel fine about what I think.  I didn't mean like that in every way.  I mean, like, the class just seems so hard to like focus on what acting is in the world and to me.  They just sorta take your idea and make it their own.  Like, I'm left out and have been my whole life being sorta artistic and like spiritual like I'm old-fashioned and like more European than American or something and all of a sudden I have all these bratty kids saying everything I've known is just something everyone does and I'm not different but no one will recognize me for liking this for some stupid reason.  You must know what I'm saying.  I feel that this generation is cr**** and if you hope for the kids you really like to be something you cannot do this to them just to say I am s*** and provided for to believe in something, just something for someone, something that's not for a kid, really, or else it would feel that way and be made up that way and it wouldn't be true and wouldn't "be" a problem!  See, you think the generation that believes in things like it's hard to be an odd 1 out who likes to be more old-fashioned, which don't pretend you don't remember what it means because it's too much to go into in this assignment etc., now I forget, too, that it's for a generation basically that's like too old to be your kid and that they shouldn't do it and you're basically using this generation as a buffer against us, separating us, like a machine.  I know you will introduce your kids to the joys of my generation.  I just want to say that I am not prejudiced to older people being like younger generations and that I believe my dad is attractive but not ***ual.  As for more notes on the class, I mean, I guess I am just thinking of how they are not focusing on acting and more on me not feeling good.  I keep wanting to enjoy the community college experience, as it should be, but like it's hard to get the assignment and then we do it and they just kinda sit their and like twiddle their toe about paying attention.  As for the improvising, I think I need to learn more how to be comfortable around them and maybe try it more on camera.

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