Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Facebook Post

  • Christina Barrett Why don't you consider all sides to an issue? I mean, I just realized that you find out about something and you kinda keep going, people from places like Louisiana and Pennsylvania. My mom is not from there. :{ Um, I wasn't a cute baby and need my parents to an extent. :}

    I just didn't know which boy was your nephew.. The girl looks mean, hurts my feelings, but maybe you don't care..sorry. I was just looking at your picture and wondered what would happen to your niece if 1 boy in the picture was her relative and the other wasn't. You'd go in, nowaday, and they'd end up totaled for some sin and figured maybe they'd get totaled like all kids do there, anyway, but not literally like they were somewhere like Miami.. Hm, guess I don't know what I'm saying. 8p

    So, that is a cute picture, and I enjoyed seeing a nice picture of someone's nephew from where I used to know. :}

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