Sunday, March 17, 2013

I wonder *

We moved to a city in more Central Southeastern Florida but not very much above Southern Southeastern Florida, a retirement paradise, because my dad's sisters lived further South and I think it was because of my brother.  He used to choke up, like he was older or something.  My dad's youngest sister had a baby, but she's not married.  The girl became the center of attention and was considered not all white, part Italian-Canadian.  My aunt got with a police-colonel she eventually married who, like her, was divorced.  She has no kids and is retired and cannot have kids.  I dunno, also, we moved to Jacksonville when my brother was 2, I think, and he was born where I went to Pre-School, like my cousin.  I was born near the beach.  We lived on the bay when I was a pretween.  I just feel sorry for my brother.  He just seemed kind racist to me.  It was like my parents wouldn't give him a chance, but I went through a lot of thoughts of like what if I were a year younger or what if my parents were different people.  I mean, I was cute, but my mom didn't let me be that European and I know I could.  I was cute, though, at some points, like when I was up north with my Gramma and after I did more gymnastics.  I really started to look ugly when my mom was pregnant.  It offended me.  Also, it was because my dad cut my hair.  I'm not sure what happened.  I wanted to be more European, but I was convinced I couldn't be.  Up north, they were prejudiced to me being from a hot climate with a mom from a hot climate.  Before that, my life was just really strict but not too insulting but maybe not that bad just more like a regiment of being a basic stick figure and trying to be thin really hard and succeeding to some degree, I suppose.  My dad is annoying and probably shouldn't be doing things with me.  I mean, I'm not really insulting, but he's trained me to be funny like that but gets offended.  My mom acted like I was really fat, but she was fatter as a toddler, just did ballet and seemed stuck up as a kid.  She was attractive after gymnastics.

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